Our Services

Each semester, we conduct 4 consulting projects with a vast array of clients, providing a wide range of comprehensive services and data-driven insights in order to help develop high-quality business solutions. Each of our projects teams consists of an experienced project manager as well as 4-5 of our our well-trained business analysts.


Market research

Industry Overview & Trends

Competitive Landscape


Financial Strategy

Financial Projections

Pricing & Revenue Models


DATA Analytics

Data Collection & Visualization

Statistical Analysis


Growth & Expansion

Geographic Expansion

Product Diversification



Identification & Outreach

Structure & Terms


Branding & Marketing

Value Proposition

Social Media & Advertising

Our Clients

Our organization has worked with a wide variety of types of clients in the past, providing high quality business solutions to small businesses, non-profit organizations, startups, and corporate CSR divisions over the past eight years.

Some of our our past projects…